In 2015, the Company’s occupational safety and industrial safety policy was reviewed.
In its operations, the Company is guided by the following principles:
- Priority of life and health of people as compared to the results of the Company’s business;
- Leading role of managers at all levels of the Company in ensuring safe working conditions;
- Responsibility of every employee of the Company and contractors for the safety of themselves and those around them, as well as the right to intervene in a situation where the work is performed in an unsafe manner;
- Involvement of all the Company’s employees in efforts to reduce workplace injuries, risks of explosion and accident hazards, and diseases;
- Priority of preventive measures to measures for localization and liquidation of accident consequences.
Seeking to meet the best global industry benchmarks in the field of industrial safety and occupational safety including health, road safety, fire, radiation, and flush safety issues, integrity of production facilities, preventing and reacting to explosion and accident hazards (industrial safety and occupational safety), the Company has stated the following strategic objectives:
- Zero rate of occupational injuries and diseases;
- Zero fatality and fire rate.
Rosneft operates a health, safety and environment management system. The principles and approaches applied in the area ensure continuous improvement of the management system through effective decision-making at all stages of activity — from planning and implementation of appropriate actions to monitoring and performance assessment.
Since May 2006, the health, safety and environment management system has been audited on an annual basis for compliance with the requirements of International Standard on Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001:2004) and Standard on Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Systems (OHSAS 18001:2007).
In March-April 2015, the British Standards Institution (BSI) conducted a recertification audit of compliance of IHSEMS with ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Its results confirmed the effectiveness of the management system.
In 2015, the perimeter of the IHSEMS was extended to four new Group companies (OJSC RN-Nyaganneftegaz, JSC Verkhnechonskneftegaz, LLC RN-Uvatneftegaz, CJSC Rospan International).
In 2015, preparation for the 2016 certification was carried out in five Group companies (JSC Varyeganneftegaz, OAO Tyumenneftegaz, PJSC Orenburgneft, LLC Novokuibyshevsk Catalysts Plant, LLC Purneftepererabotka).
In 2015, a long-term program was implemented to improve the culture of safety and informed leadership in the field of industrial safety and occupational safety. Rosneft pays special attention to safety issues in its productive activities.
The Company has developed and implemented measures for preventing and reducing the number of accidents in the production environment.
In 2015, the following activities were carried out under this program:
- the layout of the Safety Screen was designed, an electronic version of which was included in the Presidential Monitoring module;
- the stands were also placed in the Group companies;
- since October 2015, articles on occupational safety have been published in the corporate newspaper Oil Courier;
- a program of implementation of the Golden Safety Rules was developed, which includes informing the Company employees by providing Golden Safety Rules brochures, publications in the corporate newspaper and on the Company website, and providing training and certification of employees;
- a practice is being implemented of short checklists for mandatory checks of the industrial safety and occupational safety status when visiting sites of the Group companies by all visiting employees of the Company;
- the Company Regulations were approved entitled Procedure for organization and implementation of the annual contest for the best Group company on the results of work in the industrial safety and occupational safety field and the procedure for rating the Group companies by industrial safety and occupational safety;
- requirements to equipment at health centers of the Group companies were developed, health centers were audited, and their equipment is monitored;
- the Regulations entitled Organization of Emergency Medical Aid at Facilities of the Group Companies were developed and enacted by the Order of the Company President;
- requirements for medical support of employees and contractors were developed.
Analysis and monitoring of industrial safety expert examinations of equipment, technical devices, buildings and structures of hazardous production facilities of the Company was organized.
In 2015, the Company bylaws in the field of fire safety were developed, processed and put into effect:
- the Company Regulations entitled Preparation of the Company facilities for safe operation during the fire-hazardous season;
- Memo for fire works at the Company facilities and checklist for fire works for self-control and risk assessment at fire works;
- Company Guideline entitled Testing and evaluation of the firefighting departments that provide services of fire prevention and extinguishing at the facilities of Rosneft and Group companies;
- A list of standard measures to improve fire safety culture was developed;
In 2015, the number of fires at the Company’s facilities due to violations of the manufacturing process was reduced by 33 % as compared with 2014. The number of fires associated with violations of the firefighting regulations during fire works was reduced by two times, and fires at motor vehicles were avoided completely in 2015 as a result of preventive work.
Preparation of the Program for bringing the Company properties in compliance with the fire safety requirements in the 2015-2019 was organized at the Group companies.

In 2015, the firefighting state of office buildings of Rosneft (including leased buildings) in Moscow was inspected, and based on their results the administration developed a plan to address the identified problems.
Briefing and tutorial training was delivered to the staff of structural units located in office buildings of Rosneft (including leased buildings) in Moscow who were put in charge of fire safety in their departments.
There are regular trainings on the evacuation of employees from the offices buildings occupied by the Central Staff in Moscow. A schedule of training for the evacuation employees for 2016 was developed.
The Company pays special attention to the quality of fire protection services on explosive sites of oil production, refining, and petrochemicals. Most of the enterprises are under the protection of LLC RN-Fire corporate departments, a specially established subsidiary of the Company.