Rosneft is involved intensively in the implementation of socio-economic programs in the area of its production activities pursuant to its Agreements, and funds individual charity projects.
The company follows a systemic approach to solving social issues, social investments, and social impact in order to reduce social risks. As part of the social and charity programs, the Company follows the principle of fighting any involvement in corrupt activities strictly.
Within its charity activities, the Company is interested in achieving the following objectives:
- promoting social and economic development of the Company’s regions of presence;
- development of partnerships with the Company’s regions of presence;
- support of the state policy in the field of education;
- support of public health programs, physical culture and sports, science and technology, environmental protection, etc.
The main areas of the Company’s charity activities in accordance with the stated objectives are as follows:
- development of social infrastructure in the regions of presence;
- support of veterans and disabled people including pensioners and employees of the Company and their families;
- support of indigenous peoples of the North;
- promotion of activities in the field of education, science, culture, art, education, patriotic education, and spiritual development;
- support of educational institutions of general, vocational, and higher education, and corporate training centers of the Company within the School-University-Enterprise corporate system of continuous education;
- promotion of activities in the field of disease prevention and healthcare as well as promotion of healthy lifestyles and improving the moral and psychological state of the people;
- environment protection and animal protection;
- promotion of activities in the field of physical culture and sports.
In determining specific facilities and activities for financing, priority is given to social and infrastructure projects with the maximum social efficiency and direct impact on the quality of life of the population of the Company’s regions of presence (including employees of the Group companies).
In 2015 the Company granted cash funds for repair, equipment, and support of 18 kindergartens and orphanages, located in the regions of its operations, in order to perform its obligations to provide financing to the social sphere under the agreements with the regional authorities and under individual charity projects. Over 50 projects were implemented in the field of education and science, health, sports, culture and spiritual heritage.
The Company paid special attention to performing events commemorating the 70th anniversary of our victory in the Great Patriotic War. Over RUB 100 million were granted to render assistance to veterans, persons having the Resident of Blockaded Leningrad badge, underage prisoners of concentration camps and homefront workers, as well as to municipal district councils, regional and city veterans organizations and councils for arranging festive and ceremonial events.
In addition, assistance to the indigenous peoples of the North is always an important area of the Company’s charity activity. In 2015, Rosneft allocated over RUB 39 million to support the traditional way of life and improve the living conditions of small indigenous peoples of the North.